Here are a few of my paintings over the past 2 years
Positano, Italy-oil
Wedding gift for Erin

This is my friend Natascha in Vienna
Waterlily at Schoenbrunn-oil

Waterfall I &II-oil
One of these is for Linda

I am now finished with my classes for the semester. I took Drawing I and Design I. Here are some of my class assignments.
Drawing I
Rocking Horse-graphite

Bottles and Vase-graphite

Statue of David-graphite

Classmate I


Roanoke, VA-ink


Nude sketch-graphite

Final Project-self portrait grid drawing

Design I
Now, if you talked to me at all during the semester, then you would know how much i disliked this class. I have never been so uncomfortable in my life! and I had no idea what I was doing. I managed to do well in the class, but I'm glad it's over.
Collage-project 1

Figure vs. Ground Study
Reflection of Vienna

Texture Rubbing
My favorite is the 4th square on the bottom row...oreo!

Final Project
Symbolic representation of my future career path