Monday, December 21, 2009


Here are a few of my paintings over the past 2 years

Positano, Italy-oil
Wedding gift for Erin
This is my friend Natascha in Vienna
Waterlily at Schoenbrunn-oil
Waterfall I &II-oil
One of these is for Linda

I am now finished with my classes for the semester. I took Drawing I and Design I. Here are some of my class assignments.
Drawing I
Rocking Horse-graphite
Bottles and Vase-graphite
Statue of David-graphite
Classmate I
Roanoke, VA-ink

Nude sketch-graphite
Final Project-self portrait grid drawing
Design I
Now, if you talked to me at all during the semester, then you would know how much i disliked this class. I have never been so uncomfortable in my life! and I had no idea what I was doing. I managed to do well in the class, but I'm glad it's over.

Collage-project 1
Figure vs. Ground Study
Reflection of Vienna
Texture Rubbing
My favorite is the 4th square on the bottom row...oreo!
Final Project
Symbolic representation of my future career path

Duchess vs the snow

We got 20-21" in Nova this past weekend. Way more snow than we had in 2 years in Vienna...strange! It was so beautiful and we got a snow day from work on Monday.