Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mind-Bender Movie Night

so, tonight Linz had a work thing to do and I was stuck at home by my lonesome. it's been raining all day, so going outside for a bike ride or something was out of the question. I was going to use this time to catch up on some much needed video game playing, but I ordered some new movies that arrived it seemed like a good time to check them out. So I watched two mind-bending movies tonight (hence the title of the post). There's no rhyme or reason for this posting...just wanted to share these movies with you.

I'll start with the second movie I watched...The Nines starring Ryan Reynolds (that's right! Van Wilder). I've been curious about this movie ever since I saw the preview for it. It's a movie consisting of three parts, and it shows the relationship between an actor, a writer, and a video game designer. I can't really say much more without giving something away, but it was pretty interesting....especially the more I sit and think about it. Definitely has some religious undertones to it.....and actually, the more I think about it, it may be a reflection of Mormonism. Anyway, I think it's worth a watch. And this leads (back) to......

The first movie I watched tonight....Primer. Have you ever watched a movie that blew your mind? Well, this one blew my mind, pieced it back together, and then made it cave in....9 times. It's all sorts of brain candy. (and for those who have seen it...yes, the last sentence of the previous paragraph was done on purpose. unfortunately, that's the most clever thing I could come up with.....leave me alone). The most I can tell you about this movie is that it's about time travel. It's probably the MOST realistic time travel movie I've ever seen (and that statement, in and of itself, is a paradox). Think "Back to the Future" if written by Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking while on crack. So, yeah....kudos to the writer of the movie....who also produced, directed, edited, did the score for, and was the lead actor in it. (He's a bit of an overachiever.) This is NOT a movie for those with no attention span (yeah, I'm calling you out Kevin Greene). This movie is a thinker. In fact, this one just flat out makes your brain hurt. Let me give you a are two of my favorite lines...."Are you hungry? I haven't eaten since later this afternoon" and (probably my favorite), "What's worse, thinking you're being paranoid or knowing you should be?" Yeah...chew on that for a little while. And yes, I'm a dork. I don't care......cause you're stupid. But if you watch it, I guarantee you'll ask yourself, "what in the world just happened?" And you should. I got the basic premise of the movie upon first viewing...but in no way did I fully comprehend everything I had just seen. This is definitely one that will require multiple, multiple viewings.

So yeah...that's all I have. Now I'm going to go to bed....or at least lay down until my brain melts.


Nicole Holden said...

So now I'm curious and will too have to watch these movies...alone I guess since I am married to the Kevin Greene in which you speak of.....

Thank you for the outstanding and intriguing reviews.

Your most charming sister

Meredith Hannon said...

Ryan, I had no idea you were into quirky movies. Have you seen "Dan in Real Life?" It's with Michael from The seems like it would be your taste. Also, if you want a really weird movie, watch "The History Boys." It's an indy film about a bunch of high school boys at a rich private school who are all gay or thinking about becoming gay. Haha, yeah. I thought it was weird, but you like weird, so I thought I'd share.