I went to Stockholm with Ryan at the beginning of December. The weather was freezing cold, the people where absurdly beautiful, and the Glogg was delicious. Glogg is their version of Gluehwien (Vienna's warm christmas drink). It's a hot juice or wine mixed with lots of spices, almonds, and raisins. That glogg stuff is way better than Gluehwein! There isn't a whole lot to see in Stockholm, so we did a lot of walking. But we did have a real American style date. We ate at Pizza Hut and then went to see a movie! They even had free refills on soda...so that made it even more perfect!
Up first is a video of us drinking Glogg
This is just a shot of the city on our way to the old town

Ryan is posing with a stuffed moose on the main shopping street. This is where you will see nothing but beautiful people...even the men were beautiful! Good genes I guess.

Probably the coolest thing we did in Stockholm was go to the Vasa Museum, which houses a viking ship from the 1600's. It was incredible! You can't actually go inside the ship, but you can get fairly close to it. It was pretty dark in there, so the pictures don't do it justice. If ever you have the chance this is definitely a must see! The museum had mock ups of life on the ship and some old relics they managed to salvage, like the captain's pee pot.

I'm standing on a replica of the middle mast. They had these huge look out discs where the crew would stand to look out over the water.

Here is Ryan with a replica of the canons found on the ship.

The second coolest thing we did was visiting the world's first open-air museum, Skansen. This place was really cool. We saw homes and farms from the sticks of Scandinavia built in the 18th and 19th centuries. They had actual working farms, a school house and many other historical buildings. Here is the website if you want to check out all of the neat stuff they have there.

Seeing this big guy made my trip worth going! He was so huge!

Ryan was super excited about the horses.
Here is a windmill from the 18th century from some small town in Sweden.
They had glass blowing, which was really neat to watch. It's amazing how they manipulate the glass and luckily it was warm in the shop, so we could thaw out for a bit.
These last two photos are our favorite from the trip. We would make such a cute gnome couple!