Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Illness and a trip back to Roanoke, VA

As most of you already know I (Lindsey) am currently in Roanoke, VA. I ventured out here Friday to visit my Nannie who had emergency surgery last Thursday. She had a hole in her stomach, which had been leaking toxins into her body cavity and blood stream for 2 days. She finally went to the emergency room on Thursday where they performed emergency surgery to repair the hole. She is 86-years-old, so the doctor was not sure she would even pull through the surgery. Only by divine intervention did she make it and she is now on the road to recovery. She was placed in intensive care after the surgery and as of today is still there. There is a high risk of pneumonia and a high risk of infection from the many tubes they have going in and out of her body.

My grandmother is a fighter, but there is much work for her to do and pain to endure before she is "out of the woods."

Please keep her in your prayers... As selfish as it may be, I do not want a reason to wear that black dress I so reluctantly packed in my suitcase.

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