Saturday, February 21, 2009

Snow angels and Miguel snowmen

Today was a fantastic day, so I thought I'd tell you about it. We went sledding with a group of friends at a park in Vienna. While going down the first hill, I hit a ramp and landed absurdly hard onto my left cheek, which will undoubtedly leave a mark. All of us were in-fact successful at bruising ourselves, but thankfully no broken bones. We did this for several hours, had some snowball fights with kids and most importantly, built an amazing snowman. He is Miguel #2, because our snowman looked just like our friend Miguel. He had long hair, black eyebrows, and a goatee created by yours truly. We had random Austrians taking photos of our master piece and many admirers. Well worth the effort! 

We then went out to eat at Figls, which is our favorite Austrian restaurant and had a great meal. After dinner we went to the McDonald house and played Wii. It was just a super fun day! 

It has been snowing every day this week, so it was nice to get out and enjoy it!

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