Friday, October 10, 2008

The Adventures of Ryan in Geneva - week 1

Well, seeing as how we haven't updated this thing in forever, I figured I'd provide updates of my time in Geneva. For those who don't know (or those who couldn't figure it out after reading that first sentence), I'm in Geneva. For the geographically challenged, this means that I'm in Switzerland....the land of neutraility. That's right, the Swiss haven't been involved in a war since 1815. Craziness! Switzerland is also considered one of the wealthiest countries in the world, which I absolutely believe cause it is friggin expensive here. In addition, Geneva is considered to have the 2nd highest quality of life in the world. Who's first? That would be Zurich, which is also in Switzerland. Anyway, I'm here working until the end of Linz is on her own in Vienna. But she has visitors, so it's ok.

Anyway, I got here last week, and so far it's pretty nice. There's not much to do in Geneva, but the city is surrounded by mountains, which is cool. There's no embassy in Geneva, so I'm working at the U.S. Mission. The Mission to what, you may ask. Well, actually it is the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva. Ok, what does that mean, you may also ask. Well....I have no idea....but whatever. I got a free trip to Geneva out of it!

So, since I'm working at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, one would assume that there is a U.N. building in Geneva. And one would be correct. Actually, it's right down the street. There's also the headquarters for the International Committee of the Red Cross (better known as simply the Red Cross), which was founded in Geneva. And right next to us is the headquarters for the World Health Organization (WHO). Yup, lots of important stuff in a pretty boring city.

Anyway, speaking of the WHO, this leads to my story of the week (my goal is to post once a week....who wants to take bets that THAT doesn't happen). On Wednesday, I went with a couple of coworkers to eat lunch at the WHO, as they apparently have a better cafeteria than the U.S. Mission. And it certainly appears that they do. Tons of choices, and the prices were even lower! Well, I settled on the cajun chicken cuisine. It was delicious...or at least I thought so. On the way back to the hotel after work, I noticed that my stomach was a little...well, noisy. By the time I got home....ugh, major stomach problems. You remember in Alien, when the alien creature busts out of Kane's chest while he's eating? I was pretty sure the chicken I ate for lunch was attempting the same thing. He was a determined little sucker. So, yeah, I was up all night in pain. Although, God spared me, and I did not vomit. I won't say what I DID do, though. Not pleasant. But, ironic, no? I eat lunch at the World HEALTH Organization, and it makes me sick. Just another one of life's cruel, unfunny jokes....kinda like CarrotTop, or the success of the extremely untalented and annoying Jonas Brothers.

But I'm feeling better now. My appetite hasn't fully come back, but it will. Don't worry about me.....cause I know you do. Poor Geneva....on the Government's dime. aka taxpayer money. aka YOUR money. So........yeah. Thanks for sending me to Geneva! And, um, thanks for giving me the runs. It was special.


Randy and Lindsay said...

Glad I could help with that, everytime you get the runs you can think of me.

Anonymous said...

That's my son! He holds nothing back!


Anonymous said...

I need your address so I can send an invitation to the wedding you will not be playing music in. Haha, jk. But not really. Okay, jk!!!! We will miss you there but definitely photoshop you all in lots of pics. Either way, I need your address!!

Meredith Hannon said...

P.S., I just read the actual blog. Hilarious! Nothing like a good diarrhea story to start out the day. And seriously, cajun chicken in Switzerland??? I didn't even know that existed. Keep em coming, and make sure they are that hilarious. Also, I would like to see lots of pictures of all the money and the mountains there. But not of the processed cajun chicken thank you.

johnsmith said...

Hammy and wife,When the Manchester Baggy sound was dominating the airwaves in 1989, when grunge bands like Nirvana captured the imagination of teenagers across the world two years later and when the Britpop scene exploded in the mid-90s, Hammy was playing the records that mattered.


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